* @copyright 2003-2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * @version CVS: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Net_IPv6 */ // {{{ constants /** * Error message if netmask bits was not found * @see isInNetmask */ define("NET_IPV6_NO_NETMASK_MSG", "Netmask length not found"); /** * Error code if netmask bits was not found * @see isInNetmask */ define("NET_IPV6_NO_NETMASK", 10); /** * Address Type: Unassigned (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_UNASSIGNED", 1); /** * Address Type: Reserved (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_RESERVED", 11); /** * Address Type: Reserved for NSAP Allocation (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_RESERVED_NSAP", 12); /** * Address Type: Reserved for IPX Allocation (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_RESERVED_IPX", 13); /** * Address Type: Reserved for Geographic-Based Unicast Addresses (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_RESERVED_UNICAST_GEOGRAPHIC", 14); /** * Address Type: Provider-Based Unicast Address (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_UNICAST_PROVIDER", 22); /** * Address Type: Multicast Addresses (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_MULTICAST", 31); /** * Address Type: Link Local Use Addresses (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_LOCAL_LINK", 42); /** * Address Type: Link Local Use Addresses (RFC 1884, Section 2.3) * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_LOCAL_SITE", 43); /** * Address Type: address can not assigned to a specific type * @see getAddressType() */ define("NET_IPV6_UNKNOWN_TYPE", 1001); // }}} // {{{ Net_IPv6 /** * Class to validate and to work with IPv6 addresses. * * @category Net * @package Net_IPv6 * @author Alexander Merz * @copyright 2003-2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * @version CVS: $Id$ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Net_IPv6 * @author elfrink at introweb dot nl * @author Josh Peck */ class Net_IPv6 { // {{{ removeNetmaskBits() /** * Removes a possible existing netmask specification at an IP addresse. * * @param String $ip the (compressed) IP as Hex representation * @return String the IP without netmask length * @since 1.1.0 * @access public * @static */ function removeNetmaskSpec($ip) { $addr = $ip; if(false !== strpos($ip, '/')) { $elements = explode('/', $ip); if(2 == count($elements)) { $addr = $elements[0]; } } return $addr; } /** * Returns a possible existing netmask specification at an IP addresse. * * @param String $ip the (compressed) IP as Hex representation * @return String the netmask spec * @since 1.1.0 * @access public * @static */ function getNetmaskSpec($ip) { $spec = ''; if(false !== strpos($ip, '/')) { $elements = explode('/', $ip); if(2 == count($elements)) { $spec = $elements[1]; } } return $spec; } // }}} // {{{ getNetmask() /** * Calculates the network prefix based on the netmask bits. * * @param String $ip the (compressed) IP in Hex format * @param int $bits if the number of netmask bits is not part of the IP * you must provide the number of bits * @return String the network prefix * @since 1.1.0 * @access public * @static */ function getNetmask($ip, $bits = null) { if(null==$bits) { $elements = explode('/', $ip); if(2 == count($elements)) { $addr = $elements[0]; $bits = $elements[1]; } else { return null; } } else { $addr = $ip; } $addr = Net_IPv6::uncompress($addr); $binNetmask = str_repeat('1', $bits).str_repeat('0', 128 - $bits); return Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip(Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($addr) & $binNetmask); } // }}} // {{{ isInNetmask() /** * Checks if an (compressed) IP is in a specific address space. * * IF the IP does not contains the number of netmask bits (F8000::FFFF/16) * then you have to use the $bits parameter. * * @param String $ip the IP to check (eg. F800::FFFF) * @param String $netmask the netmask (eg F800::) * @param int $bits the number of netmask bits to compare, if not given in $ip * @return boolean true if $ip is in the netmask * @since 1.1.0 * @access public * @static */ function isInNetmask($ip, $netmask, $bits=null) { // try to get the bit count if(null == $bits) { $elements = explode('/', $ip); if(2 == count($elements)) { $ip = $elements[0]; $bits = $elements[1]; } else if(null == $bits) { $elements = explode('/', $netmask); if(2 == count($elements)) { $netmask = $elements[0]; $bits = $elements[1]; } if(null == $bits) { return false; } } } $binIp = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin(Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip)); $binNetmask = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin(Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($netmask)); if(null != $bits && "" != $bits && 0 == strncmp( $binNetmask, $binIp, $bits)) { return true; } return false; } // }}} // {{{ getAddressType() /** * Returns the type of an IPv6 address. * * RFC 1883, Section 2.3 describes several types of addresses in * the IPv6 addresse space. * Several addresse types are markers for reserved spaces and as consequence * a subject to change. * * @param String $ip the IP address in Hex format, compressed IPs are allowed * @return int one of the addresse type constants * @access public * @since 1.1.0 * @static * * @see NET_IPV6_UNASSIGNED * @see NET_IPV6_RESERVED * @see NET_IPV6_RESERVED_NSAP * @see NET_IPV6_RESERVED_IPX * @see NET_IPV6_RESERVED_UNICAST_GEOGRAPHIC * @see NET_IPV6_UNICAST_PROVIDER * @see NET_IPV6_MULTICAST * @see NET_IPV6_LOCAL_LINK * @see NET_IPV6_LOCAL_SITE * @see NET_IPV6_UNKNOWN_TYPE */ function getAddressType($ip) { $ip = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip); $binip = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip); if(0 == strncmp('1111111010', $binip, 10)) { return NET_IPV6_LOCAL_LINK; } else if(0 == strncmp('1111111011', $binip, 10)) { return NET_IPV6_LOCAL_SITE; } else if (0 == strncmp('111111100', $binip, 9)) { return NET_IPV6_UNASSIGNED; } else if (0 == strncmp('11111111', $binip, 8)) { return NET_IPV6_MULTICAST; } else if (0 == strncmp('00000000', $binip, 8)) { return NET_IPV6_RESERVED; } else if (0 == strncmp('00000001', $binip, 8) || 0 == strncmp('1111110', $binip, 7)) { return NET_IPV6_UNASSIGNED; } else if (0 == strncmp('0000001', $binip, 7)) { return NET_IPV6_RESERVED_NSAP; } else if (0 == strncmp('0000010', $binip, 7)) { return NET_IPV6_RESERVED_IPX;; } else if (0 == strncmp('0000011', $binip, 7) || 0 == strncmp('111110', $binip, 6) || 0 == strncmp('11110', $binip, 5) || 0 == strncmp('00001', $binip, 5) || 0 == strncmp('1110', $binip, 4) || 0 == strncmp('0001', $binip, 4) || 0 == strncmp('001', $binip, 3) || 0 == strncmp('011', $binip, 3) || 0 == strncmp('101', $binip, 3) || 0 == strncmp('110', $binip, 3)) { return NET_IPV6_UNASSIGNED; } else if (0 == strncmp('010', $binip, 3)) { return NET_IPV6_UNICAST_PROVIDER; } else if (0 == strncmp('100', $binip, 3)) { return NET_IPV6_RESERVED_UNICAST_GEOGRAPHIC; } return NET_IPV6_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } // }}} // {{{ Uncompress() /** * Uncompresses an IPv6 adress * * RFC 2373 allows you to compress zeros in an adress to '::'. This * function expects an valid IPv6 adress and expands the '::' to * the required zeros. * * Example: FF01::101 -> FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101 * ::1 -> 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 * * @access public * @see Compress() * @static * @param string $ip a valid IPv6-adress (hex format) * @return string the uncompressed IPv6-adress (hex format) */ function Uncompress($ip) { $netmask = Net_IPv6::getNetmaskSpec($ip); $uip = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip); $c1 = -1; $c2 = -1; if (false !== strpos($uip, '::') ) { list($ip1, $ip2) = explode('::', $uip); if(""==$ip1) { $c1 = -1; } else { $pos = 0; if(0 < ($pos = substr_count($ip1, ':'))) { $c1 = $pos; } else { $c1 = 0; } } if(""==$ip2) { $c2 = -1; } else { $pos = 0; if(0 < ($pos = substr_count($ip2, ':'))) { $c2 = $pos; } else { $c2 = 0; } } if(strstr($ip2, '.')) { $c2++; } if(-1 == $c1 && -1 == $c2) { // :: $uip = "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"; } else if(-1==$c1) { // ::xxx $fill = str_repeat('0:', 7-$c2); $uip = str_replace('::', $fill, $uip); } else if(-1==$c2) { // xxx:: $fill = str_repeat(':0', 7-$c1); $uip = str_replace('::', $fill, $uip); } else { // xxx::xxx $fill = str_repeat(':0:', 6-$c2-$c1); $uip = str_replace('::', $fill, $uip); $uip = str_replace('::', ':', $uip); } } if('' != $netmask) { $uip = $uip.'/'.$netmask; } return $uip; } // }}} // {{{ Compress() /** * Compresses an IPv6 adress * * RFC 2373 allows you to compress zeros in an adress to '::'. This * function expects an valid IPv6 adress and compresses successive zeros * to '::' * * Example: FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101 -> FF01::101 * 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -> ::1 * * @access public * @see Uncompress() * @static * @param string $ip a valid IPv6-adress (hex format) * @return string the compressed IPv6-adress (hex format) * @author elfrink at introweb dot nl */ function Compress($ip) { $netmask = Net_IPv6::getNetmaskSpec($ip); $ip = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip); if (!strstr($ip, '::')) { $ipp = explode(':',$ip); for($i=0; $i0) { $match = ''; foreach($zeros[0] as $zero) { if (strlen($zero) > strlen($match)) $match = $zero; } $cip = preg_replace('/' . $match . '/', ':', $cip, 1); } $cip = preg_replace('/((^:)|(:$))/', '' ,$cip); $cip = preg_replace('/((^:)|(:$))/', '::' ,$cip); } if('' != $netmask) { $cip = $cip.'/'.$netmask; } return $cip; } // }}} // {{{ SplitV64() /** * Splits an IPv6 adress into the IPv6 and a possible IPv4 part * * RFC 2373 allows you to note the last two parts of an IPv6 adress as * an IPv4 compatible adress * * Example: 0:0:0:0:0:0: * 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF: * * @access public * @static * @param string $ip a valid IPv6-adress (hex format) * @return array [0] contains the IPv6 part, [1] the IPv4 part (hex format) */ function SplitV64($ip) { $ip = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip); $ip = Net_IPv6::Uncompress($ip); if (strstr($ip, '.')) { $pos = strrpos($ip, ':'); $ip{$pos} = '_'; $ipPart = explode('_', $ip); return $ipPart; } else { return array($ip, ""); } } // }}} // {{{ checkIPv6() /** * Checks an IPv6 adress * * Checks if the given IP is IPv6-compatible * * @access public * @static * @param string $ip a valid IPv6-adress * @return boolean true if $ip is an IPv6 adress */ function checkIPv6($ip) { $ip = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip); $ipPart = Net_IPv6::SplitV64($ip); $count = 0; if (!empty($ipPart[0])) { $ipv6 =explode(':', $ipPart[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ipv6); $i++) { $dec = hexdec($ipv6[$i]); $hex = strtoupper(preg_replace("/^[0]{1,3}(.*[0-9a-fA-F])$/", "\\1", $ipv6[$i])); if ($ipv6[$i] >= 0 && $dec <= 65535 && $hex == strtoupper(dechex($dec))) { $count++; } } if (8 == $count) { return true; } elseif (6 == $count and !empty($ipPart[1])) { $ipv4 = explode('.',$ipPart[1]); $count = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ipv4); $i++) { if ($ipv4[$i] >= 0 && (integer)$ipv4[$i] <= 255 && preg_match("/^\d{1,3}$/", $ipv4[$i])) { $count++; } } if (4 == $count) { return true; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } // }}} // {{{ _ip2Bin() /** * Converts an IPv6 address from Hex into Binary representation. * * @param String $ip the IP to convert (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h), compressed IPs are allowed * @return String the binary representation * @access private @ @since 1.1.0 */ function _ip2Bin($ip) { $binstr = ''; $ip = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip); $ip = Net_IPv6::Uncompress($ip); $parts = explode(':', $ip); foreach($parts as $v) { $str = base_convert($v, 16, 2); $binstr .= str_pad($str, 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $binstr; } // }}} // {{{ _bin2Ip() /** * Converts an IPv6 address from Binary into Hex representation. * * @param String $ip the IP as binary * @return String the uncompressed Hex representation * @access private @ @since 1.1.0 */ function _bin2Ip($bin) { $ip = ""; if(strlen($bin)<128) { $bin = str_pad($bin, 128, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $parts = Net_IPv6::pstr_split($bin, 16); foreach($parts as $v) { $str = base_convert($v, 2, 16); $ip .= $str.":"; } $ip = substr($ip, 0,-1); return $ip; } function pstr_split($string,$string_length=1) { if($string >= 1) { do { $c = strlen($string); $parts[] = substr($string,0,$string_length); $string = substr($string,$string_length); } while($string !== false); } else { $parts = false; } return $parts; } // }}} } // }}} /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil * End: */ ?>