#!/usr/local/bin/php . All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require("guiconfig.inc"); if ($ipv6rules = ($_GET['type'] == 'ipv6')) { $configname = 'rule6'; $typelink = '&type=ipv6'; $maxnetmask = 128; } else { $configname = 'rule'; $typelink = ''; $maxnetmask = 32; } $pgtitle = array("Firewall", "Rules", "Edit"); /* make group manager happy */ $pgtitle = array("Firewall", ipv6enabled() ? ($ipv6rules ? 'IPv6 Rules' : 'IPv4 Rules') : 'Rules', "Edit"); $specialsrcdst = explode(" ", "any wanip lan pptp"); if (!is_array($config['filter'][$configname])) { $config['filter'][$configname] = array(); } filter_rules_sort(); $a_filter = &$config['filter'][$configname]; $id = $_GET['id']; if (is_numeric($_POST['id'])) $id = $_POST['id']; $after = $_GET['after']; if (isset($_POST['after'])) $after = $_POST['after']; if (isset($_GET['dup'])) { $id = $_GET['dup']; $after = $_GET['dup']; } function is_specialnet($net) { global $specialsrcdst; if (in_array($net, $specialsrcdst) || (strstr($net, "opt") && !is_alias($net))) return true; else return false; } function address_to_pconfig($adr, &$padr, &$pmask, &$pnot, &$pbeginport, &$pendport) { global $maxnetmask; if (isset($adr['any'])) $padr = "any"; else if ($adr['network']) $padr = $adr['network']; else if ($adr['address']) { list($padr, $pmask) = explode("/", $adr['address']); if (!$pmask) $pmask = $maxnetmask; } if (isset($adr['not'])) $pnot = 1; else $pnot = 0; if ($adr['port']) { list($pbeginport, $pendport) = explode("-", $adr['port']); if (!$pendport) $pendport = $pbeginport; } else { $pbeginport = "any"; $pendport = "any"; } } function pconfig_to_address(&$adr, $padr, $pmask, $pnot, $pbeginport, $pendport) { global $maxnetmask; $adr = array(); if ($padr == "any") $adr['any'] = true; else if (is_specialnet($padr)) $adr['network'] = $padr; else { $adr['address'] = $padr; if ($pmask != $maxnetmask) $adr['address'] .= "/" . $pmask; } $adr['not'] = $pnot ? true : false; if (($pbeginport != 0) && ($pbeginport != "any")) { if ($pbeginport != $pendport) $adr['port'] = $pbeginport . "-" . $pendport; else $adr['port'] = $pbeginport; } } if (isset($id) && $a_filter[$id]) { $pconfig['interface'] = $a_filter[$id]['interface']; if (!isset($a_filter[$id]['type'])) $pconfig['type'] = "pass"; else $pconfig['type'] = $a_filter[$id]['type']; if (isset($a_filter[$id]['protocol'])) $pconfig['proto'] = $a_filter[$id]['protocol']; else $pconfig['proto'] = "any"; if ($a_filter[$id]['protocol'] == "icmp" || $a_filter[$id]['protocol'] == "ipv6-icmp") $pconfig['icmptype'] = $a_filter[$id]['icmptype']; address_to_pconfig($a_filter[$id]['source'], $pconfig['src'], $pconfig['srcmask'], $pconfig['srcnot'], $pconfig['srcbeginport'], $pconfig['srcendport']); address_to_pconfig($a_filter[$id]['destination'], $pconfig['dst'], $pconfig['dstmask'], $pconfig['dstnot'], $pconfig['dstbeginport'], $pconfig['dstendport']); $pconfig['disabled'] = isset($a_filter[$id]['disabled']); $pconfig['log'] = isset($a_filter[$id]['log']); $pconfig['frags'] = isset($a_filter[$id]['frags']); $pconfig['descr'] = $a_filter[$id]['descr']; } else { /* defaults */ if ($_GET['if']) $pconfig['interface'] = $_GET['if']; $pconfig['type'] = "pass"; $pconfig['src'] = "any"; $pconfig['dst'] = "any"; } if (isset($_GET['dup'])) unset($id); if ($_POST) { if (($_POST['proto'] != "tcp") && ($_POST['proto'] != "udp") && ($_POST['proto'] != "tcp/udp")) { $_POST['srcbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['srcendport'] = 0; $_POST['dstbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['dstendport'] = 0; } else { if ($_POST['srcbeginport_cust'] && !$_POST['srcbeginport']) $_POST['srcbeginport'] = $_POST['srcbeginport_cust']; if ($_POST['srcendport_cust'] && !$_POST['srcendport']) $_POST['srcendport'] = $_POST['srcendport_cust']; if ($_POST['srcbeginport'] == "any") { $_POST['srcbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['srcendport'] = 0; } else { if (!$_POST['srcendport']) $_POST['srcendport'] = $_POST['srcbeginport']; } if ($_POST['srcendport'] == "any") $_POST['srcendport'] = $_POST['srcbeginport']; if ($_POST['dstbeginport_cust'] && !$_POST['dstbeginport']) $_POST['dstbeginport'] = $_POST['dstbeginport_cust']; if ($_POST['dstendport_cust'] && !$_POST['dstendport']) $_POST['dstendport'] = $_POST['dstendport_cust']; if ($_POST['dstbeginport'] == "any") { $_POST['dstbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['dstendport'] = 0; } else { if (!$_POST['dstendport']) $_POST['dstendport'] = $_POST['dstbeginport']; } if ($_POST['dstendport'] == "any") $_POST['dstendport'] = $_POST['dstbeginport']; } if (is_specialnet($_POST['srctype'])) { $_POST['src'] = $_POST['srctype']; $_POST['srcmask'] = 0; } else if ($_POST['srctype'] == "single") { $_POST['srcmask'] = $maxnetmask; } if (is_specialnet($_POST['dsttype'])) { $_POST['dst'] = $_POST['dsttype']; $_POST['dstmask'] = 0; } else if ($_POST['dsttype'] == "single") { $_POST['dstmask'] = $maxnetmask; } unset($input_errors); $pconfig = $_POST; /* input validation */ $reqdfields = explode(" ", "type interface proto src dst"); $reqdfieldsn = explode(",", "Type,Interface,Protocol,Source,Destination"); if (!(is_specialnet($_POST['srctype']) || ($_POST['srctype'] == "single"))) { $reqdfields[] = "srcmask"; $reqdfieldsn[] = "Source bit count"; } if (!(is_specialnet($_POST['dsttype']) || ($_POST['dsttype'] == "single"))) { $reqdfields[] = "dstmask"; $reqdfieldsn[] = "Destination bit count"; } do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, &$input_errors); if (!$_POST['srcbeginport']) { $_POST['srcbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['srcendport'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['dstbeginport']) { $_POST['dstbeginport'] = 0; $_POST['dstendport'] = 0; } if (($_POST['type'] == "reject") && ($_POST['proto'] != "tcp") && ($_POST['proto'] != "udp")) { $input_errors[] = "Reject only works when the protocol is set to either TCP or UDP."; } if (($_POST['srcbeginport'] && !is_port($_POST['srcbeginport']))) { $input_errors[] = "The start source port must be an integer between 1 and 65535."; } if (($_POST['srcendport'] && !is_port($_POST['srcendport']))) { $input_errors[] = "The end source port must be an integer between 1 and 65535."; } if (($_POST['dstbeginport'] && !is_port($_POST['dstbeginport']))) { $input_errors[] = "The start destination port must be an integer between 1 and 65535."; } if (($_POST['dstendport'] && !is_port($_POST['dstendport']))) { $input_errors[] = "The end destination port must be an integer between 1 and 65535."; } if (!is_specialnet($_POST['srctype'])) { if ($_POST['src'] && !($ipv6rules ? is_ipaddr6($_POST['src']) : is_ipaddroranyalias($_POST['src']))) { $input_errors[] = "A valid source IP address or alias must be specified."; } if (($_POST['srcmask'] && !is_numericint($_POST['srcmask']))) { $input_errors[] = "A valid source bit count must be specified."; } } if (!is_specialnet($_POST['dsttype'])) { if ($_POST['dst'] && !($ipv6rules ? is_ipaddr6($_POST['dst']) : is_ipaddroranyalias($_POST['dst']))) { $input_errors[] = "A valid destination IP address or alias must be specified."; } if (($_POST['dstmask'] && !is_numericint($_POST['dstmask']))) { $input_errors[] = "A valid destination bit count must be specified."; } } if ($_POST['srcbeginport'] > $_POST['srcendport']) { /* swap */ $tmp = $_POST['srcendport']; $_POST['srcendport'] = $_POST['srcbeginport']; $_POST['srcbeginport'] = $tmp; } if ($_POST['dstbeginport'] > $_POST['dstendport']) { /* swap */ $tmp = $_POST['dstendport']; $_POST['dstendport'] = $_POST['dstbeginport']; $_POST['dstbeginport'] = $tmp; } if (!$input_errors) { $filterent = array(); $filterent['type'] = $_POST['type']; $filterent['interface'] = $_POST['interface']; if ($_POST['proto'] != "any") $filterent['protocol'] = $_POST['proto']; else unset($filterent['protocol']); if (($_POST['proto'] == "icmp" || $_POST['proto'] == "ipv6-icmp") && $_POST['icmptype']) $filterent['icmptype'] = $_POST['icmptype']; else unset($filterent['icmptype']); pconfig_to_address($filterent['source'], $_POST['src'], $_POST['srcmask'], $_POST['srcnot'], $_POST['srcbeginport'], $_POST['srcendport']); pconfig_to_address($filterent['destination'], $_POST['dst'], $_POST['dstmask'], $_POST['dstnot'], $_POST['dstbeginport'], $_POST['dstendport']); $filterent['disabled'] = $_POST['disabled'] ? true : false; $filterent['log'] = $_POST['log'] ? true : false; $filterent['frags'] = $_POST['frags'] ? true : false; $filterent['descr'] = $_POST['descr']; if (isset($id) && $a_filter[$id]) $a_filter[$id] = $filterent; else { if (is_numeric($after)) array_splice($a_filter, $after+1, 0, array($filterent)); else $a_filter[] = $filterent; } write_config(); touch($d_filterconfdirty_path); header("Location: firewall_rules.php?if=" . $_POST['interface'] . $typelink); exit; } } ?>
Choose what to do with packets that match the criteria specified below.
Hint: the difference between block and reject is that with reject, a packet (TCP RST or ICMP port unreachable for UDP) is returned to the sender, whereas with block the packet is dropped silently. In either case, the original packet is discarded. Reject only works when the protocol is set to either TCP or UDP (but not "TCP/UDP") below.
Disabled > Disable this rule
Set this option to disable this rule without removing it from the list.
Choose on which interface packets must come in to match this rule.
Choose which IP protocol this rule should match.
Hint: in most cases, you should specify TCP  here.
ICMP type
If you selected ICMP for the protocol above, you may specify an ICMP type here.
Source > not
Use this option to invert the sense of the match.

Address:   /
Source port range

Specify the port or port range for the source of the packet for this rule. This is usually not equal to the destination port range (and is often "any").
Hint: you can leave the 'to' field empty if you only want to filter a single port
Destination > not
Use this option to invert the sense of the match.

Address:   /
Destination port range

Specify the port or port range for the destination of the packet for this rule.
Hint: you can leave the 'to' field empty if you only want to filter a single port
Fragments > Allow fragmented packets
Hint: this option puts additional load on the firewall and may make it vulnerable to DoS attacks. In most cases, it is not needed. Try enabling it if you have troubles connecting to certain sites.
Log > Log packets that are handled by this rule
Hint: the firewall has limited local log space. Don't turn on logging for everything. If you want to do a lot of logging, consider using a remote syslog server (see the Diagnostics: System logs: Settings page).
You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).