. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* include all configuration functions */ require_once("functions.inc"); function interfaces_secondaries_configure($if) { global $config, $g; $ifcfg = $config['interfaces'][$if]; if (is_array($config['secondaries']['secondary'])) { $a_secondaries = &$config['secondaries']['secondary']; foreach ($a_secondaries as $secondary) { if ($if == $secondary['if']) { if (!ipv6enabled() && is_ipaddr6($secondary['ipaddr'])){ continue; } if (ipv6enabled() && is_ipaddr6($secondary['ipaddr'])){ $ifconfig = $config['interfaces'][$if]['if'] . " inet6 "; } if (is_ipaddr($secondary['ipaddr'])){ $ifconfig = $config['interfaces'][$if]['if'] . " inet "; } $ifconfig .= $secondary['ipaddr'] . "/" . $secondary['prefix'] . " alias"; mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . $ifconfig); } } } } function interfaces_loopback_configure() { global $config, $g; mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig lo0"); return 0; } function interfaces_vlan_configure() { global $config, $g; if (is_array($config['vlans']['vlan']) && count($config['vlans']['vlan'])) { $i = 0; foreach ($config['vlans']['vlan'] as $vlan) { $cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig vlan{$i} create vlan " . escapeshellarg($vlan['tag']) . " vlandev " . escapeshellarg($vlan['if']); mwexec($cmd); /* make sure the parent interface is up */ mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($vlan['if']) . " up"); $i++; } } return 0; } function interfaces_lan_configure() { global $config, $g; if ($g['booting']) echo "Configuring LAN interface... "; $lancfg = $config['interfaces']['lan']; /* MAC spoofing? */ if ($lancfg['spoofmac']) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['if']) . " link " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['spoofmac'])); /* media */ if ($lancfg['media'] || $lancfg['mediaopt']) { $cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['if']); if ($lancfg['media']) $cmd .= " media " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['media']); if ($lancfg['mediaopt']) $cmd .= " mediaopt " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['mediaopt']); mwexec($cmd); } $addflags = ""; if (strpos($lancfg['if'], "fxp") !== false) $addflags .= " link0"; if (isset($config['system']['polling'])) $addflags .= " polling"; mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['if']) . " " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['ipaddr'] . "/" . $lancfg['subnet']) . $addflags); interfaces_lan_configure6(); if (!$g['booting']) { /* make new hosts file */ system_hosts_generate(); /* reconfigure static routes (kernel may have deleted them) */ system_routing_configure(); /* reload ipfilter (address may have changed) */ filter_configure(); /* reload shaper (subnet may have changed) */ shaper_configure(); /* reload IPsec tunnels */ vpn_ipsec_configure(); /* reload dhcpd (gateway may have changed) */ services_dhcpd_configure(); /* reload dhcp6s (gateway may have changed) */ services_dhcp6s_configure(); /* reload dnsmasq */ services_dnsmasq_configure(); /* reload webgui */ system_webgui_start(); /* reload captive portal */ captiveportal_configure(); } if ($g['booting']) echo "done\n"; return 0; } function interfaces_lan_configure6() { global $config, $g; $lancfg = $config['interfaces']['lan']; remove_all_ipv6_addresses($lancfg['if']); mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . $lancfg['if'] . ' inet6 -accept_rtadv no_radr'); if (ipv6enabled()) { if ($lancfg['ipaddr6'] == "6to4") { /* take second /64 from 6to4 prefix on WAN interface */ $v6addr = calc_6to4_address("lan"); if ($v6addr) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($lancfg['if']) . " inet6 $v6addr prefixlen 64 alias"); } else if ($lancfg['ipaddr6'] == "DHCP-PD") { services_dhcp6c_configure(); } else if ($lancfg['ipaddr6'] && $lancfg['subnet6']) { mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . escapeshellarg($lancfg['if']) . ' inet6 ' . escapeshellarg($lancfg['ipaddr6']) . ' prefixlen ' . escapeshellarg($lancfg['subnet6'] . ' alias') ); } } interfaces_secondaries_configure('lan'); if (!$g['booting']) { /* reload rtadvd */ interfaces_rtadvd_configure(); } } function interfaces_optional_configure() { global $config, $g; for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) { interfaces_optional_configure_if($i); } interfaces_optional_configure6(); if (!$g['booting']) { /* reconfigure static routes (kernel may have deleted them) */ system_routing_configure(); /* reload ipfilter (address may have changed) */ filter_configure(); /* reload shaper (address may have changed) */ shaper_configure(); /* reload IPsec tunnels */ vpn_ipsec_configure(); /* reload dhcpd (interface enabled/disabled/bridged status may have changed) */ services_dhcpd_configure(); /* reload dhcp6s (gateway may have changed) */ services_dhcp6s_configure(); /* restart dnsmasq */ services_dnsmasq_configure(); } return 0; } function interfaces_bridge_configure() { global $config, $g; // Setup the bridge sysctls to filter on member interfaces and not bridge itself mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.link.bridge.pfil_member=1"); mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.link.bridge.pfil_bridge=0"); $bridge_if_num = -1; $bridgearray = array(); $iflist = array("lan", "wan"); for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) if(isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['enable'])) $iflist['opt' . $i] = 'opt' . $i; foreach($iflist as $if) { // go through all interfaces and check for bridged interfaces if ($config['interfaces'][$if]['bridge']) { // this interface is bridged $bridgefound = false; if ($bridge_if_num == -1) { // this is the first bridge, create the bridge0 interface $bridge_if_num++; $bridgearray[$bridge_if_num][] = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($if); $bridgearray[$bridge_if_num][] = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($config['interfaces'][$if]['bridge']); } else { // additional bridge // check if interface exists in another bridge // since the same int can't be added to two bridges $realif = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($if); $realifbridge = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($config['interfaces'][$if]['bridge']); for($x=0; $x <= $bridge_if_num; $x++) { if (in_array($realif, $bridgearray[$x])) { // the interface is already in this bridge $bridgefound = true; if (!in_array($realifbridge, $bridgearray[$x])) { // bridged interface isn't already in this // bridge, add it. $bridgearray[$bridge_if_num][] = $realifbridge; } } else { // see if the other member interface of the bridge is in existing bridge if (in_array($realifbridge, $bridgearray[$x])) { $bridgefound = true; if (!in_array($realif, $bridgearray[$x])) { // if real interface isn't already in // this bridge, add it. $bridgearray[$bridge_if_num][] = $realif; } } } } if (!$bridgefound) { // the interfaces of this bridge are not contained // in any existing bridge. Add new bridge interface. $bridge_if_num++; $bridgearray[$bridge_if_num][] = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($if); $bridgearray[$bridge_if_num][] = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($config['interfaces'][$if]['bridge']); } } } } // at this point, $bridgearray is fully populated for the number of bridges the system requires. // time to set them up. for($x=0; $x <= $bridge_if_num; $x++) { // destroy and create ifbridge interface mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig bridge{$x} destroy"); mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig bridge{$x} create"); // log commands run for debugging in /tmp $fd = fopen("{$g['tmp_path']}/bridge{$x}_config", "w"); fwrite($fd, "/sbin/ifconfig bridge{$x} destroy \n"); fwrite($fd, "/sbin/ifconfig bridge{$x} create \n"); $bridgecmd = "/sbin/ifconfig bridge{$x} "; $lowestmtu = "1500"; foreach ($bridgearray[$x] as $bridgeif) { // iterate through all the interfaces in this bridge // append to the bridgecmd for this interface $bridgecmd .= " addm $bridgeif "; // get MTU for this interface $mtu = get_interface_mtu($bridgeif); if (intval($mtu) == 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "An error occurred while trying to obtain the MTU setting for $bridgeif. Using 1500."); $mtu = "1500"; } else { if (intval($mtu) < intval($lowestmtu)) $lowestmtu = $mtu; } } // force all bridged interfaces to same MTU, the lowest common denominator foreach ($bridgearray[$x] as $bridgeif) { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig {$bridgeif} mtu {$lowestmtu}"); fwrite($fd, "/sbin/ifconfig {$bridgeif} mtu {$lowestmtu} \n"); } // bring up each interface foreach ($bridgearray[$x] as $bridgeif) { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig {$bridgeif} up"); fwrite($fd, "/sbin/ifconfig {$bridgeif} up \n"); } // setup the bridge mwexec("{$bridgecmd}"); fwrite($fd, "{$bridgecmd} \n"); // in FreeBSD 6.x, without a final separate "up", it won't work mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig bridge{$x} up"); fwrite($fd, "/sbin/ifconfig bridge{$x} up"); fclose($fd); } } function interfaces_optional_configure6() { global $config, $g; for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) { interfaces_optional_configure_if6($i); } if (!$g['booting']) { /* reload rtadvd */ interfaces_rtadvd_configure(); } return 0; } function interfaces_optional_configure_if($opti) { global $config, $g; global $bridgeconfig; $optcfg = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $opti]; if ($g['booting']) { $optdescr = ""; if ($optcfg['descr']) $optdescr = " ({$optcfg['descr']})"; echo "Configuring OPT{$opti}{$optdescr} interface... "; } if (isset($optcfg['enable'])) { /* MAC spoofing? */ if ($optcfg['spoofmac']) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['if']) . " link " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['spoofmac'])); /* media */ if ($optcfg['media'] || $optcfg['mediaopt']) { $cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['if']); if ($optcfg['media']) $cmd .= " media " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['media']); if ($optcfg['mediaopt']) $cmd .= " mediaopt " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['mediaopt']); mwexec($cmd); } $addflags = ""; if (strpos($optcfg['if'], "fxp") !== false) $addflags .= " link0"; if (isset($config['system']['polling'])) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['if']) . " polling"); /* bridged? */ if ($optcfg['bridge']) { interfaces_bridge_configure(); } else { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['if']) . " " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['ipaddr'] . "/" . $optcfg['subnet']) . $addflags); } interfaces_secondaries_configure('opt' . $opti); } else { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['if']) . " delete down"); } if ($g['booting']) echo "done\n"; return 0; } function interfaces_optional_configure_if6($opti) { global $config, $g; $optcfg = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $opti]; if (isset($optcfg['enable'])) { remove_all_ipv6_addresses($optcfg['if']); mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . $optcfg['if'] . ' inet6 -accept_rtadv no_radr'); if (ipv6enabled()) { if ($optcfg['ipaddr6'] == "6to4") { $v6addr = calc_6to4_address("opt" . $opti); if ($v6addr) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($optcfg['if']) . " inet6 $v6addr prefixlen 64 alias"); } else if ($optcfg['ipaddr6'] == "DHCP-PD") { services_dhcp6c_configure(); } else if ($optcfg['ipaddr6'] && $optcfg['subnet6']) { mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . escapeshellarg($optcfg['if']) . ' inet6 ' . escapeshellarg($optcfg['ipaddr6']) . ' prefixlen ' . escapeshellarg($optcfg['subnet6'] . ' alias') ); } interfaces_secondaries_configure( 'opt' . $opti ); } } return 0; } function interfaces_wlan_configure() { global $config, $g; /* wireless configuration */ if (is_array($config['wlans']['wlan']) && count($config['wlans']['wlan'])) { $i = 0; foreach ($config['wlans']['wlan'] as $wlan) { $wlanmode = "ap"; switch ($wlan['mode']) { case 'ibss': case 'IBSS': $wlanmode = "ibss"; break; case 'bss': case 'BSS': $wlanmode = "sta"; break; } /* create subinterface */ $ifcargs = "wlan$i create wlandev " . escapeshellarg($wlan['if']) . " wlanmode " . $wlanmode; if ($wlan['standard']) $ifcargs .= " mode " . escapeshellarg($wlan['standard']); if (isset($wlan['ht'])) $ifcargs .= " ht"; else $ifcargs .= " -ht"; $ifcargs .= " ssid " . escapeshellarg($wlan['ssid']) . " channel " . escapeshellarg($wlan['channel']); if ($wlanmode == "ap" && isset($wlcfg['hidessid'])) $ifcargs .= " hidessid"; $ifcargs .= " up"; mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . $ifcargs); if (isset($wlan['txpower']) && strlen($wlan['txpower']) > 0) { /* must issue separate ifconfig call for txpower */ mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig wlan$i txpower " . escapeshellarg($wlan['txpower'])); } /* configure encryption (if needed) */ interfaces_wlan_configure_encryption("wlan$i", $wlan); $i++; } } return 0; } function interfaces_wlan_configure_encryption($if, $wlcfg) { global $config, $g; /* kill any running hostapd */ killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/hostapd-$if.pid"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/hostapd-$if.conf"); /* killing hostapd leaves the interface in down state - make sure it's up again */ mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($if) . " up"); if ($wlcfg['wpa']['mode'] && $wlcfg['wpa']['mode'] != "none") { if ($wlcfg['mode'] == "hostap") { /* use WPA in hostap mode */ $hostapdcfg = generate_hostapd_config($if, $wlcfg); /* write config to temporary file */ $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/hostapd-$if.conf", "w"); if (!$fd) { echo("Error: cannot open hostapd-$if.conf in interfaces_wlan_configure_encryption().\n"); return 1; } fwrite($fd, $hostapdcfg); fclose($fd); /* start hostapd */ mwexec("/usr/sbin/hostapd -B -P {$g['varrun_path']}/hostapd-$if.pid {$g['varetc_path']}/hostapd-$if.conf"); } } else { /* use WEP (or no encryption) */ if (isset($wlcfg['wep']['enable']) && is_array($wlcfg['wep']['key'])) { $ifcargs = escapeshellarg($if) . " wepmode on"; $i = 1; foreach ($wlcfg['wep']['key'] as $wepkey) { $ifcargs .= " wepkey " . escapeshellarg("{$i}:{$wepkey['value']}"); if (isset($wepkey['txkey'])) { $ifcargs .= " weptxkey {$i}"; } $i++; } mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . $ifcargs); } else { /* no encryption - make sure WEP is disabled */ mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($if) . " wepmode off"); } } } function interfaces_wan_configure() { global $config, $g; $wancfg = $config['interfaces']['wan']; if ($g['booting']) echo "Configuring WAN interface... "; else { /* kill dhclient */ mwexec("/usr/bin/killall dhclient"); /* kill PPPoE client (mpd) */ killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/mpd.pid"); /* kill Modem client (mpd) */ killbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/mpd-modem.pid"); /* wait for processes to die */ sleep(2); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/dhclient.conf"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/mpd.conf"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['vardb_path']}/wanip"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/nameservers.inet.conf"); unlink_if_exists("{$g['varetc_path']}/nameservers.inet6.conf"); } /* remove all addresses first */ while (mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['if']) . " -alias") == 0); mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['if']) . " down"); if ($wancfg['spoofmac']) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['if']) . " link " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['spoofmac'])); /* media */ if ($wancfg['media'] || $wancfg['mediaopt']) { $cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['if']); if ($wancfg['media']) $cmd .= " media " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['media']); if ($wancfg['mediaopt']) $cmd .= " mediaopt " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['mediaopt']); mwexec($cmd); } $addflags = ""; if (strpos($wancfg['if'], "fxp") !== false) $addflags .= " link0"; if (isset($config['system']['polling'])) mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['if']) . " polling") ; switch ($wancfg['ipaddr']) { case 'dhcp': interfaces_wan_dhcp_configure(); break; case 'pppoe': interfaces_wan_pppoe_configure(); break; case 'pptp': interfaces_wan_pptp_configure(); break; case 'modem': interfaces_wan_modem_configure(); break; default: if (isset($wancfg['ispointtopoint']) && $wancfg['pointtopoint']) { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['if']) . " " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['ipaddr'] . "/" . $wancfg['subnet']) . " " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['pointtopoint']) . $addflags . " up"); } else { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['if']) . " " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['ipaddr'] . "/" . $wancfg['subnet']) . $addflags); } /* install default route */ mwexec("/sbin/route delete default"); mwexec("/sbin/route add default " . escapeshellarg($wancfg['gateway'])); /* resync ipfilter (done automatically for DHCP/PPPoE/PPTP) */ filter_resync(); } interfaces_wan_configure6(); if (!$g['booting']) { /* reconfigure static routes (kernel may have deleted them) */ system_routing_configure(); /* reload ipfilter */ filter_configure(); /* reload shaper */ shaper_configure(); /* reload ipsec tunnels */ vpn_ipsec_configure(); /* restart ez-ipupdate */ services_dyndns_configure(); /* force DNS update */ services_dnsupdate_process(); /* restart dnsmasq */ services_dnsmasq_configure(); } if ($g['booting']) echo "done\n"; return 0; } function interfaces_wan_configure6($newwanip = false) { global $config, $g; $wancfg = $config['interfaces']['wan']; $wanif = get_real_wan_interface(true); remove_all_ipv6_addresses($wancfg['if']); remove_all_ipv6_addresses("stf0"); remove_all_ipv6_addresses("gif0"); services_dhcp6c_stop(); mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . $wanif . ' inet6 -accept_rtadv no_radr'); mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.inet6.ip6.rfc6204w3=0"); /* kill any running aiccu */ if (file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/aiccu.pid")) { sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/aiccu.pid", "TERM"); /* AICCU doesn't exit immediately after receiving SIGTERM, as it only polls its "running" flag once per second. We give it 3 seconds to exit, and then send a SIGKILL if necessary */ for ($i = 0; $i < 30 && file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/aiccu.pid"); $i++) usleep(100000); if (file_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/aiccu.pid")) sigkillbypid("{$g['varrun_path']}/aiccu.pid", "KILL"); } if (ipv6enabled()) { if ($wancfg['ipaddr6'] == "6to4") { /* obtain current IPv4 address and make a 6to4 address out of it */ $v6addr = calc_6to4_address("wan"); if ($v6addr) { mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig stf0 create"); mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig stf0 inet6 $v6addr prefixlen 16 alias"); mwexec('/sbin/route delete -inet6 default'); /* always use 6to4 anycast address for now */ mwexec('/sbin/route add -inet6 default 2002:c058:6301::'); if (!$g['booting']) { /* a changed 6to4 prefix on WAN means we may also need to change the IPv6 prefix on LAN/OPT */ interfaces_lan_configure6(); interfaces_optional_configure6(); } } } else if ($wancfg['ipaddr6'] == "DHCP") { services_dhcp6c_configure(); mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . $wanif . ' inet6 accept_rtadv -no_radr'); mwexec("/sbin/sysctl net.inet6.ip6.rfc6204w3=1"); } else if ($wancfg['ipaddr6'] == "ppp") { if ($newwanip) { /* called from up-script -> add IPv6 default route */ mwexec('/sbin/route delete -inet6 default'); mwexec('/sbin/route add -inet6 default -iface ' . $g['pppoe_interface']); mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . $wanif . ' inet6 accept_rtadv no_radr'); } if ($config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr6'] == "DHCP-PD") { services_dhcp6c_configure(); } } else if ($wancfg['ipaddr6'] == "aiccu") { /* fire up AICCU, which will take care of setting the IP address on gif0 and adding the default route */ /* can only start AICCU once the IPv4 connectivity is ready; otherwise it will exit immediately... */ if ($newwanip || is_ipaddr($wancfg['ipaddr'])) { if (is_ipaddr($wancfg['ipaddr'])) { sleep(10); } $aiccuconf = << /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then sleep 1 /etc/rc.newwanip6 exit fi sleep 1 done EOD; $fd = fopen("{$g['tmp_path']}/gifwatch.sh", "w"); fwrite($fd, $watchsh); fclose($fd); chmod("{$g['tmp_path']}/gifwatch.sh", 0755); mwexec_bg("{$g['tmp_path']}/gifwatch.sh"); } } else { if ($wancfg['ipaddr6'] && $wancfg['subnet6'] && ($wancfg['tunnel6'] || $wancfg['gateway6'])) { $wanif6 = $wancfg['if']; $gw6 = escapeshellarg($wancfg['gateway6']); /* use GIF tunnel? */ if ($wancfg['tunnel6']) { $curwanip6 = get_current_wan_address(false); if ($curwanip6) { $wanif6 = "gif0"; $gw6 = "-iface gif0"; mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig gif0 create'); mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig gif0 tunnel ' . escapeshellarg($curwanip6) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($wancfg['tunnel6'])); mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig gif0 up'); } else { $wanif6 = false; } } if ($wanif6) { mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . escapeshellarg($wanif6) . ' inet6 ' . escapeshellarg($wancfg['ipaddr6']) . ' prefixlen ' . escapeshellarg($wancfg['subnet6'] . ' alias') ); /* default route */ mwexec('/sbin/route delete -inet6 default'); mwexec('/sbin/route add -inet6 default ' . $gw6); } } } } if (!$g['booting']) { /* reload rtadvd */ interfaces_rtadvd_configure(); } } function interfaces_wan_dhcp_configure() { global $config, $g; $wancfg = $config['interfaces']['wan']; /* generate dhclient.conf */ $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/dhclient.conf", "w"); if (!$fd) { echo("Error: cannot open dhclient.conf in interfaces_wan_dhcp_configure().\n"); return 1; } $dhclientconf = ""; if ($wancfg['dhcphostname']) { $dhclientconf .= << 0) { $rtadvdconf .= ":mtu#" . $config['interfaces']['lan']['ipv6ramtu']; } $dnsservers = array(); if (isset($config['dnsmasq']['enable'])) $dnsservers = array($config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr6']); else if (is_array($syscfg['dnsserver']) && ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0])) $dnsservers = $syscfg['dnsserver']; $dnsservers = array_filter($dnsservers, "is_ipaddr6"); if (!empty($dnsservers)) $rtadvdconf .= ":rdnss=\"" . join(",", $dnsservers) . "\""; $rtadvdconf .= ":dnssl=\"" . $syscfg['domain'] . "\""; $rtadvdconf .= ":\n"; } if (isset($config['interfaces']['wan']['ipv6ra'])) { $wanif = get_real_wan_interface(true); $rtadvdifs .= ' ' . $wanif; $rtadvdconf .= $wanif . ":maxinterval#10:mininterval#4\n"; } for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) { $optcfg = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]; if (isset($optcfg['ipv6ra']) && isset($optcfg['enable']) && $optcfg['if'] && !$optcfg['bridge']) { $raflags = ""; if (isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['ipv6ram'])) { $raflags .= "m"; } if (isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['ipv6rao'])) { $raflags .= "o"; } $rtadvdifs .= ' ' . $optcfg['if']; /* maybe this can be configurable in the future */ $rtadvdconf .= $optcfg['if'] . ":raflags=\"" . $raflags . "\":maxinterval#10:mininterval#4:prefixlen#"; if ($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['ipv6mode'] == "DHCP-PD") { $rtadvdconf .= 64 - $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['slalen']; } else { $rtadvdconf .= $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['subnet6']; } if (isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['ipv6ramtu']) && $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['ipv6ramtu'] > 0) { $rtadvdconf .= ":mtu#" . $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['ipv6ramtu']; } $dnsservers = array(); if (isset($config['dnsmasq']['enable'])) $dnsservers = array($optcfg['ipaddr6']); else if (is_array($syscfg['dnsserver']) && ($syscfg['dnsserver'][0])) $dnsservers = $syscfg['dnsserver']; $dnsservers = array_filter($dnsservers, "is_ipaddr6"); if (!empty($dnsservers)) $rtadvdconf .= ":rdnss=\"" . join(",", $dnsservers) . "\""; $rtadvdconf .= ":dnssl=\"" . $syscfg['domain'] . "\""; $rtadvdconf .= ":\n"; } } if (!$rtadvdifs) return 0; if ($g['booting']) echo 'Starting IPv6 router advertisement service... '; else if ($wasrunning) { /* rtadvd first sends out advertisements that there are no longer routes before effectively exiting (look at die() in rtadvd.c); this can take up to 10 seconds, but we don't want to wait that long - just give it time to send out one such advertisement */ sleep(1); sigkillbyname('rtadvd', 'KILL'); } /* this file is deleted here be se we might create a race condition when deleting it earlier */ unlink_if_exists("{$g['varrun_path']}/rtadvd.pid"); /* write rtadvd.conf */ $fd = fopen("{$g['varetc_path']}/rtadvd.conf", 'w'); if (!$fd) { printf("Error: cannot open rtadvd.conf in interfaces_rtadvd_configure().\n"); return 1; } fwrite($fd, $rtadvdconf); fclose($fd); /* fire up rtadvd */ mwexec("/usr/sbin/rtadvd -D -c {$g['varetc_path']}/rtadvd.conf $rtadvdifs 2>&1 & " . "echo \"$!\" > {$g['varrun_path']}/rtadvd.pid"); if (!$g['booting']) { filter_configure(); } else echo "done\n"; return 0; } function interfaces_autoreassign() { global $config, $g; if (isset($config['interfaces']['noautoreassign'])) return; $iflist = get_interface_list(true, false, false); $logifs = array('lan', 'wan'); for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) $logifs[] = 'opt' . $i; /* Compare list of available interfaces with those in config to see whether at least one of them is available. Bail out on VLAN/WLAN configs too - we only intend to handle the normal case (one Ethernet interface per logical interface) */ foreach ($logifs as $logif) { if (isset($iflist[$config['interfaces'][$logif]['if']]) || preg_match("/^(vlan|wlan)/", $config['interfaces'][$logif]['if'])) return; } /* at this point, we have found that there are no VLANs/WLANs and none of the configured physical interfaces can be found. Reconfigure automatically */ echo <</dev/null", $ifinfo); foreach ($ifinfo as $line) { if (preg_match("/inet6 ([0-9a-f:]+) /", $line, $matches)) { if (is_ipaddr6($matches[1])) return $matches[1]; } } } else { /* get interface info with netstat */ exec("/usr/bin/netstat -nWI " . escapeshellarg($wanif) . " -f inet", $ifinfo); if (isset($ifinfo[1])) { $aif = preg_split("/\s+/", $ifinfo[1]); $curwanip = chop($aif[3]); if ($curwanip && is_ipaddr($curwanip) && ($curwanip != "")) return $curwanip; } } return null; } else { /* static WAN IP address */ return $wancfg[$ipv6 ? 'ipaddr6' : 'ipaddr']; } } function get_interface_mac($interface) { /* build interface list with netstat */ exec("/usr/bin/netstat -I $interface -nW -f link", $linkinfo); array_shift($linkinfo); $alink = preg_split("/\s+/", $linkinfo[0]); $mac = chop($alink[3]); return $mac; } function generate_hostapd_config($if, $wlcfg) { $config = <</dev/null', $ifc); foreach ($ifc as $i) { if (preg_match('/inet6 (.+) prefixlen (\d+)/', $i, $matches)) { $ip6 = preg_replace('/%.*$/', '', trim($matches[1])); array_push($addresses, array($ip6, (int)$matches[2])); } } return $addresses; } function remove_all_ipv6_addresses($if) { $addresses = get_interface_ipv6_adresses($if); foreach ($addresses as $adr) { if (!preg_match('/^fe80:/', $adr[0])) { mwexec('/sbin/ifconfig ' . escapeshellarg($if) . ' inet6 ' . escapeshellarg($adr[0]) . ' -alias'); } } } function calc_6to4_address($if) { $wan_v6nibbles = convert_to_6to4_nibbles(get_current_wan_address(false)); if ($wan_v6nibbles) { if ($if == "wan") $nth = 0; else if ($if == "lan") $nth = 1; else if (preg_match('/^opt(\d+)$/', $if, $matches)) $nth = $matches[1] + 1; return "2002:{$wan_v6nibbles}:{$nth}::1"; } return false; } function get_dhcppd_address($if) { $addresses = get_interface_ipv6_adresses($if); foreach ($addresses as $adr) { if ((!preg_match('/^fe80:/', $adr[0])) || (!preg_match('/autoconf$/',$adr[0]))) { $ipv6addr=$adr; } } return $ipv6addr; } function suggest_ipv6_lan_addr(){ $sugipv6lan = "No RA found! Maybe try again in a few minutes."; /* get the prefix */ exec("/usr/sbin/clog /var/log/system.log", $logarr); foreach ($logarr as $logent) { $logent = preg_split("/\s+/", $logent, 6); $lograsrch = strstr($logent[5] , " prefix "); if ($lograsrch) { $prefixpos = strpos($lograsrch, "/",0); $sugipv6lan = substr($lograsrch,21,$prefixpos -21); $sugipv6lan .= "1" . substr($lograsrch,$prefixpos,strpos($lograsrch, "from",0)-$prefixpos); } } if (!is_ipaddr6andprefix ($sugipv6lan) && ($sugipv6lan != "No RA found. Maybe try again in a few minutes.")) { return "Error calculating IPv6 address!"; } else { return $sugipv6lan; } } ?>